Dr. Raquel educates us about nutrigenetics: how foods you eat impact your genes and fertility!
Anabolic steroids destroys male fertility.
Dr. Gunnala interview about reproductive surgeries that may be needed before getting pregnant.
Poop and fertility. Yes its a big clue!
Watch this live Q&A with expert Dr. Serena H. Chen.
Chemicals, sunscreen and fertility do not mix. Learn more and watch this video!
Constipation, gut health and fertility!
PCOS and Lifestyle: It's the heart of the Ovum way. Learn more.
Dr. Serena Chen breaks down PCOS and medications used to treat symptoms.
Environmental toxins impact fertility but you can do something about it!
Our fabulous head of nursing Lauren Haring shares her best lifestyle tips to help you get pregnant!
Our most popular episode: Luteal Phase Defect!
Tubal reversals: Are they possible or should you do IVF?
The man behind "The Penis Book," chats with founder Alice Crisci about all things male reproductive health!
Prolactin and male fertility with Dr. Raquel!
Our most popular episode in history: the LH Surge explained in Ovulation and why its unreliable for those with PCOS!